Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Math Sucks!

I think that instead of hurrying through math classes from 060 to 099 each semester is not so good. I think that they should have one or two classes that maybe continue throughout an entire year or something. A few groups that might be effected are:
Students: They would have to be more dedicated to actually learning the materials rather than rushing through the lesson and learning the bare minimum that they need to pass the class. They would have to dedicate more time to math, and stick to mathe untill they were able to pass. I believe that they would understand the work much better. I have so many in my 099 class that are so lost and are either failing or passing by the bare minimum. Many students have no idea what we are doing. If teachers would slow down and maybe take a little more time on the math, less students would be in the remedial courses because they would know what they are doing, and possibly be able to skip a remedial math course the next semsester.
Parents would also be effected because they are the ones paying for their children to go to school. If their children are struggling and not passing the class because it goes to fast, then the parents have to pay another semester of that class in order for their child to pass. They also would be saved the frustration of getting angry with their child for having a bad grade in math.
Teachers would be effected because they would have to change their ciriculum. I think this would make it easier on the teachers because they wouldn't feel like their work goes in one ear and out the other. There would be less kids failing, making the teacher look great. If they were able to slow down more instead of having a certain amount they have to get through in a hurry then teachers would have to repeat themselves less and less because the students would know what is going on. It would save the teachers time and energy.

Changing the school!

I think that there needs to be more transferable classes. This would make the school more appealing to not only locals but also for those coming from out of town. There are so many of my friends from high school that did not go to NJC because they did not have the classes available at NJC! Some of them went to a larger school and did not do as well. I think everyone should have the chance to go to a junior college first to get a feel for how everything works.
I think that the remedial math classes should do something a little different. It seems that the math classes rush to get the students to where they need to be, instead of making sure they are actually learning it. I think that the classes do help refresh students for college math, but for those who are not sure what is going on they move too fast and by the time you catch one concept its on to the next. The student may pass the class, but i guarantee that they forget what they learned over Christmas break because it went so fast they they didn't fully grasp the concept.
They need to have more fun activities for all students. There are activities and groups but there are a lot of students who do not find something that interests them. They usually leave then after one semester. The students also might resort to drinking and partying, which then hurts their grades.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

One of the worst movies

The Blair with project was a low quality production. The way the camera moved around constantly made me feel like I was going to be sick. The acting was horrible. The theme of the movie was not so good either. I'm not sure if it was based on a true story or not, but if it was it the producer should have picked a different story to follow.

The previews for The Blair Witch Project were actually pretty intense. I expected the movie to be one that would keep a person at the edge of their seat. When I saw the movie the acting alone took the thrill out. The story was weak and it was not as scary as the previews made it out to be. I went into the movie excited and came out wanting to break it and take it off the shelves.

I got the movie when it was a new release. It was like six dollars or something to rent the DVD. I literally wanted to take it out the first 15 minutes, but tortured myself to get through an hour of it. It was a waste of my hour and a waste of my 6 dollars. I would never spend the money to see that movie and I would advise everyone else to make that same decision.

The movie could have been better if they would have put a little bit of money to it. The acting was horrible. You don't need Grammy winning actors, but at least have someone who has natural talent or knows what they are doing. The story line just kind of seemed to start off slow and get even stupider as it went. They could have spent a little more money on graphics and backgrounds or something. The worst part about it was how it was shot. If I remember correctly the movie was suppose to be shot as if the people camping or whatever were taping it. Well, that was a stupid idea because that was thew worst part of the entire movie. I might have been able to push myself through the movie if I wasn't busy getting sick from all the spinning.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


On of my favorite movies is Spaceballs It doesn't neccisarily have my favorite actors or actresses in it but the odd humor in the movie makes me laugh. A few of the big names in the movie are Mel Brooks, John Candy,Rick Moranis, and Bill Pullman. The movie takes place in space and many strange planets. In the movie Dark Helmet attempts to steal air from another planet. It is up to a clueless rogue, a princess, and a half man half dog creature to save planet Druidia.
The movie is a mix of humor and suspense. It contiuously keeps you at the edge of your seat wondering if something extremely strange is going to pop out of someones stomach or if another strange character like pizza face or the bearded lady is going to come into play. It mixes dumb humor and things that are actually funny in a genius blend of comedy. They use extremely odd and outrageous names for everyone.
The main hook is making fun of science fiction movies. Spaceballs really takes a poke at Star Wars. One of the main characters is the Dark Helmet, which clearly makes fun of Darth Vader. The Druid princess is meant to be Princess Laya. They make a crack at her by showing her in the famous braids around the ears, but they soon come off and you realize that they are headphones. I could go into detail more on how, however i'm not a Star Wars fan and have never seen a single episode.
There are so many funny parts of this movie but my favorite would have to be when the evil powers are trying to watch the movie to find out what is going to happen next. They get to the part of actual time and get all confused. It is a part in which is hard to understand unless you actually see it. This movie is for people with a strange and pretty much stupid sense of humor, which is exactly what I love about it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

You know when it's real

This commercial is hillarious. The catch is that we know when things in our everyday life is real. All of the fake things like the dog, the building climbing, and the Statue of Liberty would not be that appealing if they were not real. If we aren't going to settle for those things, then why would we want to settle for a burger that is not real? They even put honest abe in there when they are talking about their philosophy being good ol' honesty. They also don't freeze it, so why would we want to go somewhere that does.

That big jucy burger is something that made my mouth water. The other burger however, not so much. They make the food from wendy's look amazing. The lettuce and tomatoes are all squeeky clean and look dilicious, as well as the burger. The food from the other places and the frozen "hocky puck" looked a little dry and boring. The jingle also stuck in my head. I think I will probably be singing it all day. They also throw in some humor, which is nice.

They don't forget to diss on the competition either. Everybody knows that McDonalds burgers are kept in a warming trey. Also when comparing themselves ot the rest they showed a frozen burger, which just drew more attention to the delicious taste of what a wendy's burger would be. The bottom line is, why would you want fake when you can have Wendy's?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Balloon Boy

I don't believe that I would give this family the chance to be in a reality television show. This entire event has been one big mess. From the reports that I have seen about the Heeney family I believe that this family is too controversial. I believe that the family is known nation wide and I would most likely receive a phenomenal amount of viewers wanting to take a glimpse at this family. However, I do not believe that after the stunt that was pulled that they deserve to be rewarded with the fame and possible financial benefits a show would provide to them.

The police in this investigation believed the entire time that this was a hoax but wanted the family to cooperate. I can't blame them because this was what needed to be done to find out the truth. I don't think that the comment Falcon made to Wolf Blitzer was what made the light bulb turn on. I believe that it was the gulp taken by the father as his reaction to the comment. I also had a hard time believing the child in later interviews because it seemed very staged, as if his parents were telling him what they wanted him to say. Then later finding out that they had been on a reality show before and were being reviewed for another sealed the deal. I think that legal matters should be taken because it wasted time and money from multiple counties.

I feel sorry for the children, especially Falcon. It reminded me of Susan Boyle gaining all that fame after blowing the world away on Americas Got Talent. Soon after gaining this fame she became very ill and was hospitalized. I couldn't get that out of my head while watching the father of Falcon put his child on the spot. The boy was very ill and vomited. I don't believe that any family that puts their children at risk or even makes a hoax that would make their child seem in danger should reap any benefits of a reality show.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Restore International

I thought this assignment was really neat. It not only is an amazing company, but its main office is in a town I used to live in. I think that Bob Goff is an incredible human being. Doint the research was very easy because it was so interesting to learn what they do, how it got started, and how it has grown. It seems like he has dedicated his life to help these people.

The most amazing thing is that they are all so dedicated. It's not like they just sit there behind desks trying to stop these horrible sex and slave trades. They work with law enforcement to raid these places and grab these minors. They don't just stop there, but continue to give them couseling and a safe haven.

There's so much crime here in america and abroad. I think what Bob Goff has created is simply heroic. These children are having the worst time of their lives. They don't get a chance at a childhood. Just as they begin to loose hope, here comes Bob Goff and his team.

Bob Goff got involved just from going to India and seeing how bad it was there. I think it is great that their program allows the other volunteers to go abroad. It allows these volunteers to get a firs-hand idea of what is going on. I think it is great because it gives them the same drive that Bob Goff has, which makes this such a successful company.

Friday, October 9, 2009

I definitely don't have the traditional family. I lived in with my mom and little brother until i was fifteen. We lived in sterling, Wyoming, and many places outside of sterling, like Crook. Then i moved to Washington to live with my father, 2 younger brothers, and my Down Syndrome Sister. I also have a brother and a sister in Omaha. When i was 17 i moved back to Washington to be with my 12 year old brother, and here i am.

If there is one thing i learned from growing up with brothers, its to suck it up. We use to race quads when i lived in Washington. I was taught that if i wreck i was suppose to get back up. I was tormented by my brothers in Washington. It seems like anything my brothers could get a hold of was turned into something to annoy me. I didn't mind it too much though and they were good sports when it was time for a little revenge.

I am a majoring in nursing. I used to race quads, dance, and cheer. Now days its work and school. Half of my week i wake up at 4:30 a.m., go to work from 5:30 a.m. to either 8:30 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. Then i go to class until either 1 p.m. or 3:15 p.m., then it's back to work from 5 p.m to close. That however is all about to change, thank god, so i can focus more on school.

My dream job would be to own my own retirement home and home health care. Although it is a lot of jumping through government hoops, I think I could really make a difference. I really love working with older people. I think they are hilarious and I love hearing about "the good ole' days". Until I am able to start my own retirement home i would love to work in the Baby Suite at a hospital.

My favorite vacations spot is going home to Washington. I love going home and seeing my family. Washington is also gorgeous. I live in Gig Harbor, which surprise surprise, is by the harbor. I love going there and going on the boat, water skiing, and wake boarding. It's also right by Seattle and Tacoma, so i get to do lots of shopping and site seeing.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The 2009-2010 Dew Tour is a sports tour that makes five stops. One stop includes snowboarding and skiing. An event in which the best of the best can go head to head. This year it will be at Breckenridge Ski Resort in Colorado, Mount Snow in Vermont, and Snowbasin Resort in Utah.

With last years turn out of 70,000 attending and 26 million viewers at home, this year is anticipated to be a promising one. It is estimated to cost around 1.5 million dollars, bringing the big names such as, Shaun White, Kelly Clark, Spencer O'Brien, PK Hunder, and Tanner Hall. The dates have been set for December 18th through February 7th.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


9-11 is a moment in time that will never be forgotten. The attack on America Happened so fast and unexpected. It truly was a test of our security. Many lives were taken and others ruined. While many could only sit in horror watching, others ran into the line of fire. I believe it opened our eyes to the ultimate dangers of terrorism.
On September 11th 19 Al-Queda terrorists hijacked four airplanes. At 8:46 a.m American Airline, flight 11, was crashed into the World Trade Center's north tower It was shortly followed by United Airlines, flight 175, crashing into the south tower at 9:03 a.m. This was only the beginning of the events that would change the lives of Americans forever. At 9:37 a.m. American Airline, flight 77, crashed into the Pentagon. At 10:03 a.m. United Airlines, flight 93, crashed near Shanksville Pennsylvania. It's Ultimate target is thought to be either the United States Capitol Or the White house. 2,976 lives were lost on that tragic day.
Everyone who lent a hand during 9-11 is a hero. I believe that the victims on flight 93 need to be remembered. They knew that their lives were most likely going to be taken. They voted and made the decision to take action. The men believed to make an attempt at taking control of the plane were Mark Bingham, Todd Beamer, Jeremy Glick, Tom Turnett, Lou Nack, and Donald F. Greene. The passengers and remaining employees on flight 93 made an attempt to take the control back. Even if they wouldn't be able to land the plane, they weren't going to let it reach its destination and kill many more innocent lives.
I woke up that morning later than usual because I was sick. I went upstairs and saw a tower on fire. I was just beginning to ask my grandma what had happened when i saw a plane crash into the other tower. I continued to get ready for school and unwillingly went. Throughout the day the school was quiet. We just watched the news in class an were sent home a few hours later. Te entire event for me seemed unreal, almost like a dream. I couldn't believe something this horrible was taking place.
9-11 was a horrific ordeal. It meant that we had to question our safety. From the change in airports to the war on terrorism, American lives were changed forever. Americans came together to make a choice. A choice in which we deserve the right to feel safe to live our lives free of terrorism.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Two Topics

Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Inheritable Genetic Modification:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cheater gets glued!

This guy is cheating on his wife with multiple ladies. Its not one of those prostitute stories either. They are all in love with this dirt bag. He gets caught, and of course they want revenge. So they all get together to devise this plan. One of the mistresses calls him up to come to a hotel, where she talks him into being tied up. She then calls the others in and they begin questioning him about who he wants to be with and grow old with. So here is the kicker, they superglue his "cheating parts" to his stomach.

First of all, what is this guy thinking. I would probably loose my mind if i had to put up with attitudes from four women. I could understand multiple chicks if it was just a payed thing. He was actually having romantic relations with all of them. It's stupid people like these that make me laugh a little. I know that's mean to say but really. If my name was headlined in this story I would be embarrassed but I don't think I would be able to keep a straight face in court.

The whole story just screams Jerry Springer. One of the girls sisters was there. He met one on Craigslist and she was giving him money. Hello lady, when you first meet a guy and your giving him thousands of dollars... RED FLAG! The fact the ladies were asking him questions about who he wanted just makes me laugh. I'm a little surprised the girls managed to work together without getting in a massive brawl. Winner gets the idiot.

Instead of trying to patch things up with his wife he called the police and now the women are being charged. CNN is not releasing his name because they don't give names of sexual assault victims. Are you serious. Personally if i were in his shoes I'd be worried about patching things up with my wife and making sure my children don't find out. Not calling the police and claiming I was sexually assaulted and having it wind up on the biggest news station. It isn't like he is going to be using that thing for a while, so he should have just taken it like a man and figured it out himself.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Naked Man

I am shocked that a naked man hijacked a bus. He had to have been crazy or on some kind of drugs. I understand that the students could have been in danger, but im not so sure that messing with a crazy naked person while driving was the smartest idea. I'm glad that nobody was seriously injured. I just can't believe that someone is actually stupid enough to get naked and go hijack a bus. I would really like to know his motives.