Friday, October 9, 2009

I definitely don't have the traditional family. I lived in with my mom and little brother until i was fifteen. We lived in sterling, Wyoming, and many places outside of sterling, like Crook. Then i moved to Washington to live with my father, 2 younger brothers, and my Down Syndrome Sister. I also have a brother and a sister in Omaha. When i was 17 i moved back to Washington to be with my 12 year old brother, and here i am.

If there is one thing i learned from growing up with brothers, its to suck it up. We use to race quads when i lived in Washington. I was taught that if i wreck i was suppose to get back up. I was tormented by my brothers in Washington. It seems like anything my brothers could get a hold of was turned into something to annoy me. I didn't mind it too much though and they were good sports when it was time for a little revenge.

I am a majoring in nursing. I used to race quads, dance, and cheer. Now days its work and school. Half of my week i wake up at 4:30 a.m., go to work from 5:30 a.m. to either 8:30 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. Then i go to class until either 1 p.m. or 3:15 p.m., then it's back to work from 5 p.m to close. That however is all about to change, thank god, so i can focus more on school.

My dream job would be to own my own retirement home and home health care. Although it is a lot of jumping through government hoops, I think I could really make a difference. I really love working with older people. I think they are hilarious and I love hearing about "the good ole' days". Until I am able to start my own retirement home i would love to work in the Baby Suite at a hospital.

My favorite vacations spot is going home to Washington. I love going home and seeing my family. Washington is also gorgeous. I live in Gig Harbor, which surprise surprise, is by the harbor. I love going there and going on the boat, water skiing, and wake boarding. It's also right by Seattle and Tacoma, so i get to do lots of shopping and site seeing.

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