Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Changing the school!

I think that there needs to be more transferable classes. This would make the school more appealing to not only locals but also for those coming from out of town. There are so many of my friends from high school that did not go to NJC because they did not have the classes available at NJC! Some of them went to a larger school and did not do as well. I think everyone should have the chance to go to a junior college first to get a feel for how everything works.
I think that the remedial math classes should do something a little different. It seems that the math classes rush to get the students to where they need to be, instead of making sure they are actually learning it. I think that the classes do help refresh students for college math, but for those who are not sure what is going on they move too fast and by the time you catch one concept its on to the next. The student may pass the class, but i guarantee that they forget what they learned over Christmas break because it went so fast they they didn't fully grasp the concept.
They need to have more fun activities for all students. There are activities and groups but there are a lot of students who do not find something that interests them. They usually leave then after one semester. The students also might resort to drinking and partying, which then hurts their grades.

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