Friday, October 23, 2009

You know when it's real

This commercial is hillarious. The catch is that we know when things in our everyday life is real. All of the fake things like the dog, the building climbing, and the Statue of Liberty would not be that appealing if they were not real. If we aren't going to settle for those things, then why would we want to settle for a burger that is not real? They even put honest abe in there when they are talking about their philosophy being good ol' honesty. They also don't freeze it, so why would we want to go somewhere that does.

That big jucy burger is something that made my mouth water. The other burger however, not so much. They make the food from wendy's look amazing. The lettuce and tomatoes are all squeeky clean and look dilicious, as well as the burger. The food from the other places and the frozen "hocky puck" looked a little dry and boring. The jingle also stuck in my head. I think I will probably be singing it all day. They also throw in some humor, which is nice.

They don't forget to diss on the competition either. Everybody knows that McDonalds burgers are kept in a warming trey. Also when comparing themselves ot the rest they showed a frozen burger, which just drew more attention to the delicious taste of what a wendy's burger would be. The bottom line is, why would you want fake when you can have Wendy's?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Balloon Boy

I don't believe that I would give this family the chance to be in a reality television show. This entire event has been one big mess. From the reports that I have seen about the Heeney family I believe that this family is too controversial. I believe that the family is known nation wide and I would most likely receive a phenomenal amount of viewers wanting to take a glimpse at this family. However, I do not believe that after the stunt that was pulled that they deserve to be rewarded with the fame and possible financial benefits a show would provide to them.

The police in this investigation believed the entire time that this was a hoax but wanted the family to cooperate. I can't blame them because this was what needed to be done to find out the truth. I don't think that the comment Falcon made to Wolf Blitzer was what made the light bulb turn on. I believe that it was the gulp taken by the father as his reaction to the comment. I also had a hard time believing the child in later interviews because it seemed very staged, as if his parents were telling him what they wanted him to say. Then later finding out that they had been on a reality show before and were being reviewed for another sealed the deal. I think that legal matters should be taken because it wasted time and money from multiple counties.

I feel sorry for the children, especially Falcon. It reminded me of Susan Boyle gaining all that fame after blowing the world away on Americas Got Talent. Soon after gaining this fame she became very ill and was hospitalized. I couldn't get that out of my head while watching the father of Falcon put his child on the spot. The boy was very ill and vomited. I don't believe that any family that puts their children at risk or even makes a hoax that would make their child seem in danger should reap any benefits of a reality show.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Restore International

I thought this assignment was really neat. It not only is an amazing company, but its main office is in a town I used to live in. I think that Bob Goff is an incredible human being. Doint the research was very easy because it was so interesting to learn what they do, how it got started, and how it has grown. It seems like he has dedicated his life to help these people.

The most amazing thing is that they are all so dedicated. It's not like they just sit there behind desks trying to stop these horrible sex and slave trades. They work with law enforcement to raid these places and grab these minors. They don't just stop there, but continue to give them couseling and a safe haven.

There's so much crime here in america and abroad. I think what Bob Goff has created is simply heroic. These children are having the worst time of their lives. They don't get a chance at a childhood. Just as they begin to loose hope, here comes Bob Goff and his team.

Bob Goff got involved just from going to India and seeing how bad it was there. I think it is great that their program allows the other volunteers to go abroad. It allows these volunteers to get a firs-hand idea of what is going on. I think it is great because it gives them the same drive that Bob Goff has, which makes this such a successful company.

Friday, October 9, 2009

I definitely don't have the traditional family. I lived in with my mom and little brother until i was fifteen. We lived in sterling, Wyoming, and many places outside of sterling, like Crook. Then i moved to Washington to live with my father, 2 younger brothers, and my Down Syndrome Sister. I also have a brother and a sister in Omaha. When i was 17 i moved back to Washington to be with my 12 year old brother, and here i am.

If there is one thing i learned from growing up with brothers, its to suck it up. We use to race quads when i lived in Washington. I was taught that if i wreck i was suppose to get back up. I was tormented by my brothers in Washington. It seems like anything my brothers could get a hold of was turned into something to annoy me. I didn't mind it too much though and they were good sports when it was time for a little revenge.

I am a majoring in nursing. I used to race quads, dance, and cheer. Now days its work and school. Half of my week i wake up at 4:30 a.m., go to work from 5:30 a.m. to either 8:30 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. Then i go to class until either 1 p.m. or 3:15 p.m., then it's back to work from 5 p.m to close. That however is all about to change, thank god, so i can focus more on school.

My dream job would be to own my own retirement home and home health care. Although it is a lot of jumping through government hoops, I think I could really make a difference. I really love working with older people. I think they are hilarious and I love hearing about "the good ole' days". Until I am able to start my own retirement home i would love to work in the Baby Suite at a hospital.

My favorite vacations spot is going home to Washington. I love going home and seeing my family. Washington is also gorgeous. I live in Gig Harbor, which surprise surprise, is by the harbor. I love going there and going on the boat, water skiing, and wake boarding. It's also right by Seattle and Tacoma, so i get to do lots of shopping and site seeing.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The 2009-2010 Dew Tour is a sports tour that makes five stops. One stop includes snowboarding and skiing. An event in which the best of the best can go head to head. This year it will be at Breckenridge Ski Resort in Colorado, Mount Snow in Vermont, and Snowbasin Resort in Utah.

With last years turn out of 70,000 attending and 26 million viewers at home, this year is anticipated to be a promising one. It is estimated to cost around 1.5 million dollars, bringing the big names such as, Shaun White, Kelly Clark, Spencer O'Brien, PK Hunder, and Tanner Hall. The dates have been set for December 18th through February 7th.