Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Math Sucks!

I think that instead of hurrying through math classes from 060 to 099 each semester is not so good. I think that they should have one or two classes that maybe continue throughout an entire year or something. A few groups that might be effected are:
Students: They would have to be more dedicated to actually learning the materials rather than rushing through the lesson and learning the bare minimum that they need to pass the class. They would have to dedicate more time to math, and stick to mathe untill they were able to pass. I believe that they would understand the work much better. I have so many in my 099 class that are so lost and are either failing or passing by the bare minimum. Many students have no idea what we are doing. If teachers would slow down and maybe take a little more time on the math, less students would be in the remedial courses because they would know what they are doing, and possibly be able to skip a remedial math course the next semsester.
Parents would also be effected because they are the ones paying for their children to go to school. If their children are struggling and not passing the class because it goes to fast, then the parents have to pay another semester of that class in order for their child to pass. They also would be saved the frustration of getting angry with their child for having a bad grade in math.
Teachers would be effected because they would have to change their ciriculum. I think this would make it easier on the teachers because they wouldn't feel like their work goes in one ear and out the other. There would be less kids failing, making the teacher look great. If they were able to slow down more instead of having a certain amount they have to get through in a hurry then teachers would have to repeat themselves less and less because the students would know what is going on. It would save the teachers time and energy.

Changing the school!

I think that there needs to be more transferable classes. This would make the school more appealing to not only locals but also for those coming from out of town. There are so many of my friends from high school that did not go to NJC because they did not have the classes available at NJC! Some of them went to a larger school and did not do as well. I think everyone should have the chance to go to a junior college first to get a feel for how everything works.
I think that the remedial math classes should do something a little different. It seems that the math classes rush to get the students to where they need to be, instead of making sure they are actually learning it. I think that the classes do help refresh students for college math, but for those who are not sure what is going on they move too fast and by the time you catch one concept its on to the next. The student may pass the class, but i guarantee that they forget what they learned over Christmas break because it went so fast they they didn't fully grasp the concept.
They need to have more fun activities for all students. There are activities and groups but there are a lot of students who do not find something that interests them. They usually leave then after one semester. The students also might resort to drinking and partying, which then hurts their grades.