Tuesday, September 29, 2009


9-11 is a moment in time that will never be forgotten. The attack on America Happened so fast and unexpected. It truly was a test of our security. Many lives were taken and others ruined. While many could only sit in horror watching, others ran into the line of fire. I believe it opened our eyes to the ultimate dangers of terrorism.
On September 11th 19 Al-Queda terrorists hijacked four airplanes. At 8:46 a.m American Airline, flight 11, was crashed into the World Trade Center's north tower It was shortly followed by United Airlines, flight 175, crashing into the south tower at 9:03 a.m. This was only the beginning of the events that would change the lives of Americans forever. At 9:37 a.m. American Airline, flight 77, crashed into the Pentagon. At 10:03 a.m. United Airlines, flight 93, crashed near Shanksville Pennsylvania. It's Ultimate target is thought to be either the United States Capitol Or the White house. 2,976 lives were lost on that tragic day.
Everyone who lent a hand during 9-11 is a hero. I believe that the victims on flight 93 need to be remembered. They knew that their lives were most likely going to be taken. They voted and made the decision to take action. The men believed to make an attempt at taking control of the plane were Mark Bingham, Todd Beamer, Jeremy Glick, Tom Turnett, Lou Nack, and Donald F. Greene. The passengers and remaining employees on flight 93 made an attempt to take the control back. Even if they wouldn't be able to land the plane, they weren't going to let it reach its destination and kill many more innocent lives.
I woke up that morning later than usual because I was sick. I went upstairs and saw a tower on fire. I was just beginning to ask my grandma what had happened when i saw a plane crash into the other tower. I continued to get ready for school and unwillingly went. Throughout the day the school was quiet. We just watched the news in class an were sent home a few hours later. Te entire event for me seemed unreal, almost like a dream. I couldn't believe something this horrible was taking place.
9-11 was a horrific ordeal. It meant that we had to question our safety. From the change in airports to the war on terrorism, American lives were changed forever. Americans came together to make a choice. A choice in which we deserve the right to feel safe to live our lives free of terrorism.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Two Topics

Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Inheritable Genetic Modification:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cheater gets glued!

This guy is cheating on his wife with multiple ladies. Its not one of those prostitute stories either. They are all in love with this dirt bag. He gets caught, and of course they want revenge. So they all get together to devise this plan. One of the mistresses calls him up to come to a hotel, where she talks him into being tied up. She then calls the others in and they begin questioning him about who he wants to be with and grow old with. So here is the kicker, they superglue his "cheating parts" to his stomach.

First of all, what is this guy thinking. I would probably loose my mind if i had to put up with attitudes from four women. I could understand multiple chicks if it was just a payed thing. He was actually having romantic relations with all of them. It's stupid people like these that make me laugh a little. I know that's mean to say but really. If my name was headlined in this story I would be embarrassed but I don't think I would be able to keep a straight face in court.

The whole story just screams Jerry Springer. One of the girls sisters was there. He met one on Craigslist and she was giving him money. Hello lady, when you first meet a guy and your giving him thousands of dollars... RED FLAG! The fact the ladies were asking him questions about who he wanted just makes me laugh. I'm a little surprised the girls managed to work together without getting in a massive brawl. Winner gets the idiot.

Instead of trying to patch things up with his wife he called the police and now the women are being charged. CNN is not releasing his name because they don't give names of sexual assault victims. Are you serious. Personally if i were in his shoes I'd be worried about patching things up with my wife and making sure my children don't find out. Not calling the police and claiming I was sexually assaulted and having it wind up on the biggest news station. It isn't like he is going to be using that thing for a while, so he should have just taken it like a man and figured it out himself.